Knapp’s Channel

To the north of Cook’s Point within the Leschenault Estuary lies Knapp’s Channel; a great place for fishing.

Slight south of the Channel is the Knapp’s Channel Car Park, which provides perfect access to launch a kayak or small dingy. Medium to large boats should use the nearby Ridley Place Foreshore boat ramp.


The small launch area provides the perfect, and closest at 1.4 kilometres, access for kayakers wishing to paddle to the Belvidere Day Use Site.

Wildlife Considerations

The Leschenault Estuary is part of the Kalgulup Regional Park and is a major wildlife sanctuary.

Three flocks (bevys) of Black Swans live within the Estuary. Water users are encouraged to avoid the very northern section of the Estuary plus immediately south of the Australind Jetty where swans breed.

The Estuary is also home to a pod of dolphins.

Please follow marine safety regulations.


The channel is named after the Knapp family, who, along with the Dawe family, fished the waters of the Leschenault Estuary for many years.

The Knapp family came to Australind and Leschenault in the 1950s. Their original holiday home was a tin shed which was later bought by the Dawe family for commercial fishing.

Frank Knapp worked for the Shire of Harvey for many years, and with his wife Bethel, lived in Australind until their passing.


  • Car park

Knapp’s Channel

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