Dawe’s Channel

Dawe’s Channel, also known as Dawe’s Fishing Channel, is a fishing channel and launch area on the Leschenault Estuary.

In season, it is a great spot for crabbing (licence required).

Meet Laurie Dawe

Laurie Dawe and his family had the channel dug out in the early ’60s by a grader to retrieve the tunnel boat as the water was too shallow.

They fished commercially for crabs (in season), cobbler, pilchard, and whiting, which were boxed and sent by train to the Perth fish markets. In addition, they fished crays at Bunbury, and in the off-season would move to Wedge Island.

In season, the family lived in a house opposite the channel from 1957 to 1979.


  • Dog friendly
  • Family-friendly

Dawe’s Channel

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