Cowarup Hill – Milligan Homestead Historic Site 1870

Cowarup Hill – Milligan Homestead Historic Site 1870

James and Elizabeth Milligan travelled from Ireland with their first child in 1860. On their arrival in Western Australia, they initially settled at Rosamel, before moving to Prinsep’s dairy farm, Belvidere.

While there, they purchased the property known as Cowarup Hill at Lot 5 Leschenault Road (now known as Cathedral Avenue), Parkfield.

The slab Milligan Homestead of Cowarup Hill was built in 1870 by James. The house sat backing up to a dune looking toward the Estuary.

It had a beautiful garden, with a line of Poplar trees leading in, huge Oleander trees, and plants cascading around the house. A dairy was at the front near the road, and cattle were also run on the land at Belvidere.

In later years’ descendants who lived in the home ran a pig sty closer to the water.

James and Elizabeth had 11 children.


In the old slab home the kitchen was separate from the main house. Bacon would be hung to smoke inside the chimney. The floor was originally made of termite mounds, which once compacted, was so hard it became polished until you could see your face in it!
Phil Atherton


The Milligan family also had properties in Beach Road, Bunbury, and South Bunbury.


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