Homegrown Hero: Vineyard 28

Case Study: Vineyard 28

Location: Yarloop region

From a chance encounter to a thriving family business, the inspiring story of Vineyard 28 continues to bear fruit.

It all began just before the turn of the 21st century when couple Pippa and Mark decided to take their shared love of wine to a new level by making a “tree change”, moving to a four hectare property north of Harvey after years of living in Melbourne, Victoria.

It was a move that saw Mark return closer to his roots of nearby Capel and Pippa extend her life’s journey beyond her homeland of New Zealand.

Starting from Scratch



With no upfront capital, Mark and Pippa embarked on their new venture by growing grapes. However, a drop in grape prices in the early 2000s forced them to pivot their business model. They realised that having a unique selling point was crucial, and that’s when they decided to operate in all three aspects of the industry: growing grapes, making wine, and marketing the product.

Overcoming Adversity

Like any other business, Vineyard 28 has faced its fair share of challenges.

In 2016, the Yarloop bushfires nearly destroyed their livelihoods, and they had to re-evaluate their risk management strategies. But through their ongoing commitment to their five-year strategic plans and their daily scrutiny of all aspects of the business’s financials, they were able to recover and come back even stronger from business ending events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Power of Innovation and Diversification

One of the secrets to Vineyard 28’s success is its ability to innovate and diversify. With a focus on value, not volume, the family-owned winery has been proactive in constantly assessing the market and making strategic moves accordingly. From growing lesser-known and alternative grape varieties to actively engaging with the industry through research, networking, and upskilling, Vineyard 28 has become a leader by staying ahead of the curve.

A Brand Built on Passion and Family

Despite having no Italian family heritage, Mark and Pippa have created a brand and experience that epitomises the taste and feel of Italy.

Vineyard 28 was the second business in Western Australia to produce a Moscato, and the pair have continued to innovate and diversify. Their extensive vineyard is mostly planted with Italian varieties, including Arneis, Fiano, Dolcetto, and Nebbiolo.

The Cellar Door and winery building were a family effort, and the vineyard’s name comes from the Port Lincoln Ringneck, which helped inspire their logo.


We’ve created a strong brand experience in the Harvey Region, which is combined with a sustainable business structure and effective business planning.
Mark Cumbers, Owner and Winemaker, Vineyard 28

A True Testament to Dedication and Passion

Despite the challenges they’ve faced, Mark and Pippa have built a thriving family business that has become a respected name in the Australian and international wine industry. Their commitment to innovation, diversification, and staying true to their values has allowed them to overcome speed bumps along the way and emerge even stronger.

The inspiring story of Vineyard 28 is a true testament to the power of dedication and a love for what you do.

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Vineyard 28 offers a range of wine-tasting experiences from their cellar door. From a personal guided wine tasting, to the more comprehensive “28” Grazing & Tasting experience, to the fully immersive Taste of Italy Tour. All experiences are offered by appointment only.

T: +61 8 9733 5605

E: wine@vineyard28.com.au

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