Yarloop Hall 1938 & Community Resource Centre

Yarloop Hall 1938 & Community Resource Centre
The beautiful art déco facade of the original town hall built in 1938 remains after the 2016 bushfires.

The first hall in Yarloop was situated near the Yarloop Workshops.

When a new hall was proposed, the Harvey Road Board contracted the firm of Powell, Cameron and Chisholm as architects. The builder, Charlie Storer of Yarloop, had learnt much of his trade in the blacksmith’s shop, which had stood on the land now occupied by the hall.

Sir James Mitchell officially opened the Yarloop Town Hall on 2 April 1938. The occasion was celebrated with an afternoon tea, a dinner for VIPs and a ball attended by 500 people.

Behind the façade, the building was timber-framed with jarrah weatherboard cladding. The main hall had a lobby, men’s and women’s cloakrooms, a ticket window and a cinema box over the lobby. At the rear was a stage with dressing rooms. The Supper Room adjoined the main hall on the southern side.

The local bank was adjoining.

During the 2016 Bushfires, the hall was almost destroyed, with only the façade and a fireplace remaining. The Yarloop Community Centre, which was built on this site and officially opened on 22 November 2019, incorporated both these features.

Yarloop Community Centre CRC

Yarloop CRC provides resources and a friendly environment for the community. The centre includes function facilities, library services, commercial kitchen, playground, outdoor gym area and much more..


Yarloop Hall 1938 & Community Resource Centre

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