Yarloop Masonic Lodge 1927
The Yarloop Masonic Lodge was formed in 1927 when a group of men employed at Millars, along with some local farmers, applied to the Grand Lodge of Western Australia for permission to form a Lodge in Yarloop.
The Yarloop Masonic Lodge No. 138 WAC (Western Australian Constitution), also known as the Freemason’s Hall, was consecrated and dedicated on 30 April 1928 by the Right Worshipful Brother AC McCallum, MBE, Deputy Grand Master, who presented the Lodge with its Warrant issued by the Grand Lodge of Western Australia.
The Lodge is still operating under the same Warrant with monthly meetings.
When the Lodge was built, they filled the internal lining of the walls with sawdust and placed the windows up high and covered to preserve the secrecy of meetings.
The damage to the Lodge during the 2016 Bushfires was minor.
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