Nobs Hill Yarloop Historic Site 1906

Nobs Hill Yarloop Historic Site 1906
Nobs Hill (also known as Snob’s Hill) was the colloquial name for a group of houses in Yarloop, which included the Millars’ Timber and Trading Co Manager’s house built in 1906 for Mr R Driver.

The Mill Manager’s house, located on the rise overlooking the town and Yarloop Workshops, sat next to The Cottage, which provided accommodation for personnel from Perth or distinguished visitors. A housekeeper and her husband, who usually worked for Millars, lived on the premises.

Over time, they added several houses to Nobs Hill, which were considerably larger than the workers’ cottages and had higher ceilings, more amenities and were better finished.

When they were no longer required, Millars sold them circa 2010, and they became private residences that were later destroyed in the 2016 Bushfires. Only one building survived, 27 Forrest Street (place No. 211) however the carport was destroyed.

The timber cottage on the rise to the left was built on the site of the old stables.


The township of Yarloop is pleasantly situated on the South-Western Railway, 78 miles from Perth, on the rising ground at the base of the Darling Range…By the courtesy of Messrs. A. C. Munro and Driver we were welcomed to the Cottage, which is in charge of Mrs. Thomas, a lady from Shropshire, who has a delightful burr in her speech. She was extremely kind and attentive during our stay. Mr. Driver has just had the honour of a J.P.-ship conferred on him. He thoroughly deserves this for his popularity, and the honour will not only be appreciated by himself but by all his people at Yarloop.
West Australian, 6 March 1909

Nobs Hill Yarloop Historic Site

  • Barrington Knight Road, Yarloop WA 6218
  • Open 24 Hours
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