Dr Henry Frederick Harvey Historic Site

Dr Henry Frederick Harvey Historic Site
Meet Dr Henry Frederick Harvey, who, with Dr Hayward was the driving force behind the development of Harvey.

Educated in the UK, he ventured to South Australia with his wife Georgina, where he practised as a doctor until 1887.

After a financial downfall, he moved to Perth, where he started practice in Adelaide Terrace.

The possibilities of Harvey soon attracted him, securing in partnership the Korijekup Estate or the Harvey River Settlement of 12,800 acres.

The “Little Doctor,” as he was most affectionately known, had a huge heart, optimism and courage…


In 1889, a manager was appointed for Harvey River Estate to rear stud stock.

Sometime later Mr. Bede Christie, a surveyor from Mildura, interested Dr.Harvey in orange growing.

Eventually, 2,700 acres in the centre of the Estate were subdivided, and the blocks sold rapidly. Dr Harvey had an 80-acre orchard with which he hoped to demonstrate the advantages of orange growing but losses on export to Europe failed the experiment. It was located between Government Road and Ninth Street.

The Government re-purchased the balance of the estate and Dr. Harvey turned all his attention to his farm, which he had retained.

The announcement of the starting of the increased Harvey Weir, was his day of greatest joy.

In 1903, he sat with his partner, Dr. Hayward, on the site of the present weir, saying:

“Hayward, old man, in a few years, we will have a weir here, we will irrigate all Harvey and make a paradise of it, and though you and I, old man, will have lost many thousands, and will reap no benefit, we have this satisfaction— we have created something that will last forever and will be a monument to our work and our fond beliefs.

You and I, old man, will both be bankrupt.”

Harvey Murray Times, 1931

With Dr. Hayward, he gave the ground for the Harvey Recreation Ground and ground for the Church of England and Wesleyan churches.

He died in Perth in 1931, aged 79 years. Harvey Street was named in his honour.

Dr Henry Frederick Harvey Historic Site

  • Harvey Street, Harvey WA 6220, Australia
  • Open 24 hours
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