The South West Employment Skills and Participation (SWESP) roundtables provide a valuable platform for collaboration across the South West.
Hosted monthly by South West Local Jobs in partnership with the Jobs and Skills Centre, these meetings bring together employment service providers, training organisations, peak bodies, and community groups.
Held virtually for convenience, the roundtables also include two in-person sessions each year in June and December. Each one-hour meeting features guest speakers and showcases opportunities across employment, education, and community services, supporting Workforce Australia Participants and Employment Service Providers (ESPs).
These roundtables are an excellent way to learn more about “who’s who and what they do” in the region while building meaningful connections.
If you’d like to join the SWESP roundtables in 2025, either as an attendee or a guest speaker, South West Local Jobs would love to hear from you. Organisations that haven’t presented in the past year are especially encouraged to get involved.
To express your interest, email