Former Harvey Methodist – Uniting Church 1924

Former Harvey Methodist – Uniting Church 1924
A timber Harvey Methodist Church was built in 1924. It replaced an earlier Mission Hall 1895, which, along with meetings, was also used for church services.

In 1923, the trustees, under the leadership of Mr Dunning, engaged a local carpenter and builder, Mr J. Johnston, to build the new church.

Using blocks handmade by the parishioners, in 1954, they constructed a new cement block building alongside the timber church.

In 1977, the Uniting Church in Australia was formally established through the coming together of most congregations of the Methodist Church of Australia, the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Congregational Union of Australia.

The Church closed in 2010. It is now the Bianca Panetta Academy of Dance.

Former Harvey Methodist – Uniting Church 1924

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