Harvey Region Tourism Advisory Group

The industry-led Harvey Region Tourism Advisory Group (TAG) has been established to provide advice to the Shire of Harvey’s Destination Harvey Region business unit.

Its role is to strive to establish Tourism as front-of-mind within the Shire of Harvey and the Harvey Region and provide the Shire with a crucial connection to industry and the community.


TAG Members

  • Advisory Group members are appointed for a term of up to two years.
  • There is a minimum of four meetings a year. Members are also encouraged to attend relevant industry functions and activities.
  • Positions are not remunerable positions, nor do they include travel expenses, however, zoom meeting options are available.
Name Title Contact Details
Cr Robyn Coleman Councillor, Shire of Harvey 0418 959 595
Cr James Junio Councillor, Shire of Harvey 0452 652 430
Annie Riordan Shire of Harvey CEO shire@harvey.wa.gov.au
Simon Hall Shire of Harvey Director Sustainable Development/Nominee simonh@harvey.wa.gov.au
Christine Mogg Owner, Australind Artisan Collective 0418 911 264
Sonia Bennett Owner/Director, Lake Brockman Tourist Park 0419 949 655
Barbara Connell Director, Melville Park 0437 731 122
Juliette Sorgiovanni Marketing/PA, Harvey River Estate Secretary, Geographe Wine Association 0409 483 432
Lesley Ugle Director, Harvey Aboriginal Corporation 0497 672 513
Erin Vergeer Brunswick Town Team 0468 707 806
Ray Jones Owner, Ray Jones Live 0414 291 432
Hannah Greene Owner, Angel of Events 0455 221 679
Gaye McBride  Owner, Hypnosynergy Hypnosis 045 522 1679
Angelique Fransen Director, Moontide Management 0424 169 946

Objectives of the Group

  • Act as the crucial connection between the Shire of Harvey and the community to maximise participation in Tourism and Destination Harvey Region business unit initiatives.
  • Advise on strategies and policies relating to tourism within the Harvey Region.
  • Assist the Shire of Harvey to engage the Tourism industry about priority projects, services and facilities.
  • Support and help drive the implementation and progress reviews of the Harvey Region Tourism Road Map 2031.
  • Assist the Shire of Harvey to identify opportunities for tourism development in the Harvey Region.
  • Support lobbying and the attraction of tourism and industry related investment.
  • Advise the Shire of Harvey about strategies and actions to promote and celebrate tourism awareness.
  • Support the Shire of Harvey’s Destination Harvey Region business unit.

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