About Us
We are Destination Harvey Region.
The Shire of Harvey’s Destination Harvey Region Business Unit works with industry, businesses, investors and stakeholders to grow the Harvey Region sustainably as a wildly fabulous place to visit, invest, live, study, and work.
Meet the Team
The Destination Harvey Region sits within the Shire of Harvey’s Sustainable Development directorate, reporting to the Director Sustainable Development, and includes:
- Manager Economic Development
- Develops and implements Economic Development Strategy and other supporting documents to grow the Harvey Region as a place to visit, live, and invest.
- Tourism Officer
- This role focuses on prioritising attracting tourism investment to the Harvey Region.
- To take the visitor information to the visitor, the role includes implementing a staged signage program (including national tourism directional, entry statements, information bays and interpretative signage) and creating tourism ambassadors within the community.
- In partnership with other tourism stakeholders, the role supports capacity building in tourism and hospitality businesses.
- Destination Marketing Officer
- Implements an annual Communications Plan, including market-leading digital content and campaigns to raise the Harvey Region’s brand awareness as a place to visit, live, and invest, predominantly within the Perth, Peel and South West markets.
- Economic Development Officer
- Implements Shire of Harvey’s Economic Development Strategy, including attracting economic investment to the Region.
- Manages the Invest website and other publications.
- In partnership with other stakeholders, the role supports capacity building in SME in the Harvey Region.
- Implements our Friendship City agreement with Moka, Japan.
- Economic Development Administration Officer
- Supports the Destination Harvey Region Team.
- Supports the Harvey Region Tourism Advisory Group.