Land, Water & Sea

Land, Water & Sea

Water, Water, Water.

It’s no exaggeration to describe the Harvey Region as a natural wonderland, and for those who call the area home, it’s a major contributor to their positive lifestyle.

Within the Shire of Harvey LGA, you’ll find a diverse range of landscapes and ecosystems, many of which are unique to WA.

We are also home to some of the freshest water in Australia, which drives our agriculture industry.

There are three main landform units within the Harvey Region, including the Coastal Plains, the Darling Scarp (100 to 200 meters above sea level), and the Darling Plateau, which is inland from the Scarp and rises to approximately 300 metres. Along its 42 kilometres of continuous coastline, known as the Yalgorup Coast, visitors can find some of the most stunning and pristine beaches in Western Australia.

These beaches are backed by extensive coastal dune systems that provide vital habitats for various plant and animal species, some of them uniquely indigenous to the area.

Adjacent to Australind, the Leschenault Estuary stretches more than 13 kilometres and provides a crucial habitat for fish species and a wide range of waterbirds, including migratory species listed under international agreements.

Other wetlands of international significance include the Peel-Yalgorup System, which extends through Mandurah, Waroona, and Harvey, and is listed under the RAMSAR Convention of 1971.

Perhaps most importantly, the Harvey Region is home to one of only four irrigation supply schemes in Western Australia; the South West Irrigation Area, managed by Harvey Water, which supports a thriving hub of industry and innovation. It’s no exaggeration to say that the contribution this area makes to the state as a whole is life-giving.

We are privileged to have some of the clearest water in Australia!

Tony Barton, Past Owner, Harvey Springs Estate


Along the Darling Scarp there are three major water catchment systems: Stirling Dam, Harvey Dam, and Logue Brook Dam, all of which are essential sources of high-quality water. These catchment systems provide approximately 111 gigalitres per year of public water for Western Australians, and have played a significant role in the growth of agriculture and horticulture throughout the state.

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